(I'll come to see even if you're on the top of the highest mountain) (Im burning in the fire of love but youre not) (I will not make you away from me so I dont cry later i.e. This is a sign of beauty (for him at least) (your eyes are sleepy - he's describing her eyes, he says that they're not wide open, they're opened a little bit only. (drop the fishing net in the sea and cry on the bad luck)
#Didi didi didi song driver#
(he's talking to the taxi driver but I'm not sure what he means by "rofd ahta") Didi is Algerian singer Khaleds breakthrough hit from 1992 and arguably one of his most popular songs to date. (who doesn't knokw her belt? (explained above) (drop the fishing net in the sea and cry on the bad luck - this is another metaphor, he's describing his bad luck just like a fisherman who drops his fishing net in the sea and gets no fish) This last one makes more sense to me and it's probably what Khaled is trying to say) It's a metaphor that means "everybody knows her" or possibly means that she's known well by other men because she always hangs in bars, or maybe he's just saying "just like a woman that hangs in bars is known very well to other men, it's also very clear how I feel towards you (e.g. (This literally means "who doesn't know her belt?". (even if they take you to the top of the highest mountain.) because she'll always be close from him he'll know everything about her and won't need to ask people about her) (I will not make you away from me so I don't ask about you later i.e. (I will not make you away from me so I don't cry later)

(take take, take take, take take take this beautiful girl away) (take take, take take, take take, take take the beautiful girl away)ĭidi wah, didi, didi di hazzine daaayyeeeah The song was the lead single from the singers. (I will not make you away from me so I don't cry later i.e. Didi (Arabic: ) is a song written and performed by Algerian artist Khaled, released in 1992. (I'm burning in the fire of love but you're not) This link has now gone dead, it seems, so here's an alternative, from Leo's Lyrics Database: Alba s touto skladbou: Khaled, Habibi, ena bhar aaliya ou entia la ma ndeerik baeeda ma nebki aalik la zhar la memoon la aargoob zine CHORUS didi, didi. Here's a link to the lyrics of "Didi"-in Arabic, transliterated, and translated into English.